About RIMPH Botanicals

Medicinal Plant Gene Bank

Our Copany maintains and develops in accordance with the gene conservation strategy the medicinal plant gene bank established in 1986.

In addition to traditional in-vitro storage, there are approx. 900 taxons under protection in the Chemotaxonomical Botanical Garden, so the collection is a live genetic source.

For further exploration of biodiversity, we undertake botanical examination of various regions in Hungary to carry out the in situ registration of genera, species, populations and plant communites throughout the country.

Medicinal Plant Improvement, Breeding

The Research Institute for Medicinal Plants and Herbs Ltd.’s breeding strategy focuses on the selection of the main component of the active substance, on the increase of the biologically active component and the yield increase. Morphophenological unity and the development of genetic markers are important for breed qualification and intellectual protection.

The aim of the research in poppy (Papaver somniferum) breeding was the development of poppy varieties with high alkaloid content. Breeding technology with classical and molecular biotechnological methods is on world-class level. The industrially significant poppy (Papaver somniferum) varieties are those with different alkaloid profiles as well as those with low alkaloid-content for the food industy. The tebain-rich great scarlet poppy (Papaver bracteatum) variety is also to mention.

Europe's leading companies are constantly showing great interest for our recognized breeds and products. Since 1959, our Institute has received state recognition or patents for more than 50 medicinal plant varieties. Due to the breed maintenance activity, we ensure the continuous, selective preservation of more than 30 registered medicinal plant varieties.


Our activity includes the agrotechnic development of of already existing ciltivated species, cultivation trials of new medicinal plant species, the optimization of cultivation technology, and the technological development of primary and secondary processing.

Following the guidelines of the European Medicines Agency, Good Cultivation and Collection Practice (GACP) is applied to all our cultivation and harvesting activities. Quality Assurance and Quality Control cover analytical testing of tens of thousands of samples from the medicinal plant breeding and breed preserving R&D.